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Fee: $150.00

To create a business and file it as a DBA means that you are allowing your business to do business under a fictitious name or the name that it may not hold once it becomes an officially registered business, like an LLC, sole proprietorship or existing corporation. When you start a Sole Proprietorship or Partnership, you will need to start a business as anything, but your real name, although it will initially be registered as a DBA so you can conduct your business under another name in the future.

In the instance that your business is already registered as a LLC, but you are undergoing a change, either address or structurally, your name must be different from your own, your partners or the company name it exists as. The name of your business is an important branding technique for the future of your business. If you never end up renaming from your business from what it was called in its DBA status, it will be referred to as the name of the business owner. You can register your DBA with either your state government or County Clerk’s office.


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